Dienstag, 8. November 2011


In the traditions of the people of the aborigines the dream time stands in the centre of her spiritual thinking. The stories of the dream time describe the time of the creation,like the big Känguru who formed the country, the plants and living beings. A known example is the Uluru myth which is a part of the Tjukurpa. Numerous rock paintings, pieces of art and dances show the beings of the dream time and come in the image of most trunks originally from these. Moreover, traditional knowledge about the country about dream contemporary histories is transmitted. For example, are the Songlines descriptions about the country and them guidance is with the Walkabout.
Not all stories of the dream time are accessible to everybody: Children hear easy versions; these have been also transmitted to outsiders. Another stories are only for women or only for men.
In most trunks the place of the first felt child movement is decisive in the womb for which gets related totem somebody with the place.
Nowadays 73% of the aborigines confess to a Christian denomination, because missions on the protectorate of the aborigines built not only schools and health care, but also spread her apprenticeship. 1.3% confess to the traditional religions and the rest to no religion.


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