Dienstag, 8. November 2011


The participation of the aborigines in the sport decreases till the 19th century. The sportive activities began in the English Cricket and continue in the athletics and in the Australian football. Single sportsmen reached to national popularity and could transport emancipatory contents.
Worldwide attention for the problems of the aborigines achieved in 2000 Cathy Freeman with the profit of the gold medal in the metre run 400 of the women in the Olympic games in Sydney, in particular because she showed not only the Australian flag, but also the flag of the aborigines in the stadium, although, actually, only showing is permitted by national flags.



The traditional music is a comprehensive component of the traditional art of Australia, because of this, the same draughts and laws apply to them like on the pedagogic art. Also here there is an "internal one" and an "external" level the music is in the possession of a certain person or a group and transports among other things obligations and contents of the family laws and serves the communication of historical or mythological stories or experiences which stand with it in connection. In addition, the music is also bound to geographical circumstances which stand by mythological events with each other in connection ("Songline").

The most important musical element of the traditional Australian music are, besides, the songs which are carried out individually or with several partners. They are trained by one or several "Songmen" or "-women" which have responsibility for the correct ritual realisation and are an owner or guardian of the respective form or the contents. Single songs seldom have in length of more than three minutes, nevertheless, are often integrated into longer song cycles (ceremonies). Songs cover the whole meaning spectrum of personal stories and pleasure songs up to highly spiritual rituals which serve the maintenance of the totem identity.

To the songs the rhythm is banged now and then also, besides, also with the hollow hands on a piece of fur (earlier) or a garment (today) in the lap, or on the bottom.
Percussion instruments are found in form clap sticks (short hardwood floors) which give the basic rhythm, but also boomerangs are used in addition which are hit in pairs mutually.



In the traditions of the people of the aborigines the dream time stands in the centre of her spiritual thinking. The stories of the dream time describe the time of the creation,like the big Känguru who formed the country, the plants and living beings. A known example is the Uluru myth which is a part of the Tjukurpa. Numerous rock paintings, pieces of art and dances show the beings of the dream time and come in the image of most trunks originally from these. Moreover, traditional knowledge about the country about dream contemporary histories is transmitted. For example, are the Songlines descriptions about the country and them guidance is with the Walkabout.
Not all stories of the dream time are accessible to everybody: Children hear easy versions; these have been also transmitted to outsiders. Another stories are only for women or only for men.
In most trunks the place of the first felt child movement is decisive in the womb for which gets related totem somebody with the place.
Nowadays 73% of the aborigines confess to a Christian denomination, because missions on the protectorate of the aborigines built not only schools and health care, but also spread her apprenticeship. 1.3% confess to the traditional religions and the rest to no religion.


Sonntag, 6. November 2011


The intend of the colors is yellow for the sun, black for the sky at night and red for the red earth. (There are some people who are convinced that black stands for the skin color and more over there is the opinion, that red represents the grouted blood of the Aborigines.)
The flag was invented in 1971 by the Aboriginal artist Harold Thomas with the intention to symbolize race and identity of the Aborigines.

All the different tribes and clans of the Aborigines have their own typical language.
To sum up there are more than 250 groups of languages and concluding all the various accents there are more than 750 languages. It all goes back to the origin of the Aborigines, rooted in parts of Africa and Indonesia.
Moreover the Aborigines developed their own culture and language in Australia long before white man came into their country.
So there is definitely not just one “Aboriginal language”.
Most of the time they do not understand each other, if they are from different tribes.
Like the Native Americans in America they also had to suffer and still suffer of politics of assimilation, for example: They had to object their own language, were forced to speak English and to deny their Aboriginal roots. 
That is why today most of them are used to speak English.
So furthermore this is one reason for the lost of many Aboriginal languages.
There is no written language. In the past the people told each other stories or songs to pass their knowledge to someone else.
During time less and less Aborigines used their own indigenous language. 
For example about 60% in Northern Territory use their indigenous language, but most of the time only at home.
(Today the widest dispersion is found in: Arrernte (2.800 speaker), Djambarrpuyngu (2.700 speaker) and Pitjantjatjara (2.600speaker) (all in Northern Territory) )
Even today the languages of the Aborigines are still not fully explored.
Now most of the Aborigines live in cities and speak English just like everyone else.

Today most of the Aborigines eat the food just like every Australian.
Traditionally the Aborigines spend their life close to nature. So they eat seafood, native animals like kangaroos, wombats, snakes, insects and vegetables. Originally they are people of hunters, gatherers and fishers. They inhabit an enormous knowledge of how to use plants for medicine and cooking. "Bush food" is the Australian denotation for using only native plants and animals for your diet, like its common for the Aborigines.